
Posts Tagged ‘Blogs’


What is it?

It’s a blog-surfing engine, a google of blogs.

How does it work?
I don’t know. That’s way to tech-savvy for me.

What does it do?
“It” (I presume that it uses bots or something) roams the net for blogs and archives them. Then, when you visit their homepage you get a a sort of slide-show/ tv channel that displays blogs long enough for you to decide if you want to read more or if you want to “blog surf” more.

An interesting find,to be sure.

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Click for the good stuff.

I shall quote his introductory post in part in order to give a (very) general idea of the blog:

Very seriously, my first and main aim at all times with this blog is to encourage others to do it, to blog on the Hub, and to do it better than me. I’m constantly looking for ways to improve the presentation and usability; I’ve already heavily modified how blogs are presented in what is the new default skin (style) of the Hub, Sosumi_3, and I’m always thinking what I could do better, and looking for more new features to build in for our Hub members.

I stress that this blog is also meant to reach out to everyone else too; which is one reason why it is on the Hub and not on the Hangout. Hopefully, it will help spark mutually productive conversations between atheists and theists and everyone else inbetween. And of course, even better would be this blog if it encourages others, whether atheist or religious, to blog on the Hub too!

Then I also do have a tendency to every now and then at rare intervals actually post about myself or better still and more likely my garden at length and with pictures, and that kind of subject matter is better suited to a blog than to a normal thread on the board, which is what I did before when talking on such matters.

Now, then, the topics the blog covers more topics than this snips let on, there’s loads of interesting material which is, I think, his way of encouraging blogging; there’s bound to be something that interests someone else enough to blog about it. So, have a look-see and blog on the Hub or on your own blog, or just hang around and read.

One more thing, The Heathen Hub, the forum in which the blog is located, is also an interesting place to peruse, so I’ll link it

By the way, yes this is somewhat shameless promotion, since I and others are trying to get more traffic to the forums. I won’t lie to you, but do check it out, there’s great reading material (we are trying to revive it for a reason, you know).

Edited to add: There are links to his blog and the Hub to the right and down.


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